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How to be an A-List Blogger by Jason Calacanis

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Straight from an “A-List” bloggers mouth.

“Want to be an A-list blogger?
1. Go to Techmeme.
2. Look for the top three stories.
3. Write about them every day.
4. Go to the blogs of the other people who are writing about these stories and comment.
5. Do this every day and attend every conference going.
6. And you’ll be an A-lister.
Write once every two weeks and wonder why you aren’t an A-lister?” – Jason Calacanis

Jason, I thought you were about sincerity, *real* writers writing *real* things. I’m happy to hear you’re well aware that you are a business man and a marketer – I thought you hated us 🙂 ? Re-blogging for the sole purpose of becoming an A-lister is not the best possible advice is it? I guess at least you are “transparently being authentic” about how you’ve made it as a “blogger.”

“Yes. Transparency counts. … But if you’re going to make a media business out of it, you never ever want anyone to be able to say that you benefited from the people you wrote about. … All you have as a blogger is your authenticity, your trust.” – Jason Calacanis

I agree with you on that, Jason. All you really have as a human being is your authenticity and your trust. You seem to do things your way, and by your own rules. For that I respect you. However, I believe the REAL way to be an A-lister in any field is to have something of a value, something people want – work really hard (really really hard – live it and breathe it), present it to your audience with honesty, promote it with integrity (but by all means promote it), treat your industry, colleagues, clients, vendors, partners and competitors *with respect* … and here’s the kicker… the most important part of making it to the top *avoid, at all costs, hypocrisy* – because readers are real people too, and no one, I mean no one, likes a hypocrite.

Quotes from JC via. Launches – Paid Review Done Right

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It’s always been a sticky topic, paying people to write – however, its the way the world works, and of course like anything else it can and will be abused.

Building a platform where bloggers can pick their own price, write whatever they want and *must* disclose they are being compensated is… well, great. It’s the way it should be.

Morgan commented on the PayPerPost Virus Rant from Techcrunch and I think she says it perfectly:

I couldn’t care less about payola, or disclosure for that matter. If TechCrunch had a habit of of shilling weak products, it would lose credibility whether I knew the reason or not. If it’s good material, I don’t care how TechCrunch is being paid to write it.

This kind of thing doesn’t do anything to the blogosphere as a whole in my opinion. I have an opinion of the blogs I read, not of the blog universe, as I read them.

This model will exist, will continue to exist, as it always has in some form. People need to just evaluate what they read for themselves.


If someone writes about a product and gives it a positive review because they are being paid when they really thought whatever they are writing about sucked, well thats nothing other than two-faced dishonesty and those people don’t get far in my book – I can smell them a mile away. People who are honest and have something to say thats worth listening to will always get my ear – and I hope they are making some money doing it.

There are those in advertising today (many many of them) who lump everything other than “create quality content” into the spam-bucket (ok, well almost everything, I’m sure they are cool with PPC, CPM and even paying a journalist to write and syndicate a press release for them… wait a minute, what does that sound like? ;))